On the 27th of September, our Slovenian partner URI-Soca presented the Power of Creativity Project online (ZOOM) and in person to more than 100 people and stakeholders. It was presented within the framework of the Days of Vocational and Employment Rehabilitation, where professionals from all over Slovenia were presented with various experiences regarding the importance of education in the successful employment of disabled people and the importance of regulating accessibility to the buildings and information that enable disabled people to live independently and their better integration into society.T

he presentation of the project was given by Anja Horvat and Denis Mencigar, both project contributors. First, Denis presented the idea behind the project “The Power of Creativity”, the topic of equal inclusion of disabled people in the labour market, the lack of useful literature in this field and Result 1: Manual for adult trainers on Creativity&Art therapy for disabled. Subsequently, Anja presented Result 2: Guidelines for teachers to Engagement with Disabled People, and the website of the project. Both described the methodology used to produce the two results, the criteria used to select the target group, and how the testing of the workshops with Uri-Soca users was carried out and adapted.

You can access their presentation in Slovenian below.

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