July is not only the beginning of summer, vacations and heat; but since the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in July 1990, this month has a special value for all those people with some kind of physical and/or mental disability. The reason for this is the celebration for the Disability Pride Month, an opportunity for the recognition of people with disabilities in our society. Although much progress has been made towards creating a fair and inclusive society for all, there is still a long way to go. These days, despite the pandemic situation we are currently living, thousands of people will join together, either in person or online, to claim their identity with pride and ask for the necessary changes in society not only towards the acceptance of disabled people, but also towards their inclusion.

During these events you will be able to see how the disability pride flag, a flag created by Ann Magill in 2021 and which colors represent a different part of the community, is flown:

  • The black background: represents disabled people who lost their lives not only because of the disability itself, but also because of negligence, suicide and eugenics.
  • The Colours: each colour represents a different aspect of disability or impairment:
  • Red: physical disabilities
  • Yellow: cognitive and intellectual disabilities
  • White: invisible and undiagnosed disabilities
  • Blue: mental illness
  • Green: sensory perception disabilities

Source: the valuable 500

Would you like to learn more about how Ann Magill created the disability pride flag and its significance? Check here

Learn more about Disability Pride Month here

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